Place on ‘Infant Shark,’ There’s New Video of a Baby Great White

< img src=" "alt =""> A new video may have captured the unusual very first moments of a newborn great white shark. Scientists state the footage is substantial because it’s “nearly impossible to be in the specific right location” to catch video of a child shark.

Carlos Gauna, an aerial photographer who frequently uses a drone, caught the video.

Later, scientists with Ecological Biology of Fishes taken a look at why the small animal was covered in a milky white film.

“Upon close examination of video and images, the individual’s pale color seems a thin white film covering the shark. We noted that as the shark was swimming, the whitish movie was being sloughed off,” wrote scientists. “We propose two possibilities for this shark’s fascinating pale color: the whitish movie is leftover intrauterine substances being sloughed off the shark due to it being a newborn shark, or the whitish film is because of an unknown skin condition.”

Looking Into Great White Sharks

Scientists say among the mysteries of great white sharks is where they deliver. The new discover now offers increased attention to Southern California, as the video came from the Santa Barbara area.

Scientists also say the shark’s size determined around one and a half meters, which is over four feet. However, while that may seem big, terrific whites can mature to 20 feet long. The size follows a baby shark.

Plus, professional photographer Gauna caught pictures of adult excellent whites in the area leading up to the tiny shark. This increases the likelihood this animal was recently born.

baby shark video Other excellent white sharks in the area. (Source: Carlos Gauna)

While finding a newborn white shark is an interesting breakthrough for biologists, the alternative of a skin problem would bring more concerns. If that is the correct response, researchers say there is presently no description for what would develop the milky pigmentation. They likewise question why the white compound would be coming off of the shark.

See more of Carlos Gauna’s work in a previous interview with

A new video may have captured the unusual very first moments of a baby great white shark. Scientists say the video is significant.

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