When it comes to camping, there are many alternatives, from automobile outdoor camping to backpacking with a camping tent. You can camp with a hammock or a tarp to keep your base weight down. However, the easiest type of outdoor camping is cowboy camping.
In short, cowboy outdoor camping is sleeping with no type of shelter. You’re out in the elements. As the name implies, think of a classic Western movie with a bunch of cowboys sleeping around a campfire. However, there is some equipment you can utilize.
Recently, a backpacking influencer shared her basic setup for cowboy outdoor camping.
Have a look:
In the post, Bee’s Wild Life lists fundamental items, consisting of a ground tarp, a sleeping pad (or 2), and a sleeping bag. She seems sleeping somewhere in the desert and reminds audiences to camp by doing this, “You can’t hesitate of critters and wildlife coming near say hey there in the middle of the night.”
Going Cowboy Camping
So, while this simplified kind of outdoor camping sounds enjoyable for anybody who loves a minimalistic approach to the outdoors, you must be all right with bugs and whatever curious animal chooses to approach you in the middle of the night.
Huge Agnes, an outside brand known for its tents, sleeping pads, and sleeping bags, has some suggestions. They state the most vital part of cowboy camping is place. Select a spot to try and decrease how much wind and wildlife you may need to handle. You’ll want to find a place with a flat surface. The business recommends a large flat rock or stone, which gets you a little off the ground.
One last piece of guidance: keep an eye on the weather condition and bring a backup tarp or camping tent in case you require cover halfway through the night.
Would you attempt cowboy camping?
When it comes to outdoor camping, there are lots of alternatives. However, the easiest type of outdoor camping is cowboy camping.