So you’ve got an Ebike and can’t wait to take it out for a spin! That’s exciting, but we’d advise you to pause for a second and consider how to stay safe out there. Nothing could ruin your trip like getting hurt because of something that you didn’t know you should do. Read on to learn about the best Ebike safety tips!
Equipment to Use
The typical Ebike can reach speeds between 15 and 29 miles per hour. It may not sound like a lot, but if you get into a collision at that speed, you’re liable to seriously hurt yourself. That’s why wearing a helmet is one of the most basic aspects of Ebike safety. It will protect you from concussions and other head injuries.
Knee and Elbow Pads
To minimize harm in an accident, knee and elbow pads are almost as important as helmets. They shield some of your most vulnerable bones from impact, decreasing the odds that they will break. With generous padding, they could also prevent some skin scrapes even elsewhere on your body.
If you fall off a bike, one of your first reflexes will be to throw your hands out in front of you. This could cause scrapes and lacerations and/or break your wrists. Plus, you’re more likely to crash if your palms and fingers are too chafed, cold, or sweaty to properly grip the bike handles and pull the brakes. Gloves with padding or gel inserts can prevent all these problems.
Bell or Horn
Of course, the most effective Ebike safety tips aim to help you avoid accidents in the first place. A bike bell or horn is handy for alerting pedestrians or other bikers to your approach so that they can move out of the way if necessary.
Bike Lights
Sometimes, you may go riding at night. However, drivers will have difficulty seeing you in the dark, increasing the chances of a collision. That makes bike lights essential for Ebike safety. Install them on your bike even if you expect to ride only during the day. You never know when you might need to use it at night, and it’s better to be prepared.
Battery Charger
Although you can technically use an Ebike if the battery runs out, it’s heavy and much harder to push that way. If you can’t move easily, you’re less able to navigate away from dangerous situations. You could also injure your body with the extra strain. Bringing a battery charger is prudent for Ebike safety, no matter how full you think your battery is when you start riding.
Actions to Take
Optimize the Battery Charges
Do everything you can to keep your battery as full as possible throughout your ride so that you can avoid the aforementioned pitfalls of a depleted one. Whenever you have an opportunity to plug it into an outlet, generator, or solar panel, do so to top it off. If you stop, conserve whatever energy is left in your Ebike by turning it off.
Stay on Approved Paths
Before taking your Ebike on a camping trip, check the trails around the area. They are typically not allowed on hiking and single-path trails because the bikes are so much bigger and faster than people and regular bikes. For the sake of camper and Ebike safety, plan to go on motorized vehicle trails, wide forest roads, and sometimes beaches.
Travel Lightly
An Ebike is already heavier than a regular bike. You must keep it manageable in order to avoid accidents, excessive battery wear, and physical overexhaustion, so try not to pack more than necessary for your rides. Ideally, whatever you take should fit inside a small backpack and/or inside the bike seat, and it shouldn’t weigh more than ten pounds or so.
Keep It Clean
Dust, dirt, and moisture can all lead to premature wear and corrosion on your Ebike. Since optimal performance and structural integrity are crucial for Ebike safety, stick to a cleaning routine. Whenever it gets grimy, wash and wipe it with water, bike detergent, and soft cloths. Remove the battery to ensure it doesn’t get wet. When you’re done, store the bike in a dry, cool area indoors.
Things to Maintain
Properly inflated tires make your Ebike run smoothly, reducing the risk that you’ll be thrown off or stranded due to underinflation or uneven tread wear. Every one or two weeks, check the pressure with a tire gauge. If it doesn’t match the number depicted on the sides of the tires, pump them until it does.
Responsible for propelling the bike by connecting the pedals to the wheels, a good bike chain is imperative to Ebike safety. While you’re examining the tires, glance over the chains as well. Clear away any dirt and debris you find, then apply your lubricant of choice. If you use a wet lubricant, wipe the chain with a soft cloth afterward. You don’t need to do that with dry lubricants.
Brake System
The ability to stop is a basic tenet of Ebike safety, as there is no surer way to avert disaster. Look at your brake system every month or two. Replace the brake pads if they look thin or worn out, and make sure that the fixing screws in the cable are tightly attached.
Most Ebike motors are low maintenance, but fulfilling their few needs is essential for maximizing Ebike safety and performance. Every few months, take a peek at yours. Usually, the gears just need a new coat of lubrication. However, if the gears look chipped, rusty, or generally worn, get replacements. The same should be said of the cables if they’re ripped or frayed.
Become an Expert in Ebike Safety!
As you master these Ebike safety tips, you’ll find greater joy in each ride you take. All these tips together are key to creating an experience filled with positive memories. However, if you’re still mulling over what Ebike to choose in the first place, please allow us to suggest the Cyrusher XF900. We’ve written a whole review about how amazing it is!
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With a bachelor’s degree in history and several years of professional writing experience, Ashley Morales believes there’s a story in everything. It’s her passion to tell each one that she can.
She has been camping and nurturing a love for nature since childhood. Sharing her knowledge is just one of the many ways that she likes to encourage others to enjoy the outdoors. Waterfronts are always her favorite places to camp or relax, no matter the time of year!
So you’ve got an Ebike and can’t wait to take it out for a spin! That’s exciting, but we’d advise you to pause for a second and consider how to stay safe out there. Read on to learn about the best Ebike safety tips!