Dry Tortugas National Forest Set to Momentarily Close Campground

Dry Tortugas National Park states they are preparing to temporarily close the only camping area at the park. According to a social networks post, the park will close down the Garden Secret camping area from March 11 to April 24.

The park sits off the end of Florida and is essentially a tropical paradise that’s popular for snorkeling. Most of the safeguarded area that makes up the park is undersea. Getting there requires a ferryboat, and the location is fairly remote despite its distance to significant cities like Miami. Camping at the park is quite restricted. In all, there are just 11 camping areas.

Park officials state the closure is because of repair work from Cyclone Irma in 2017 and Typhoon Ian in 2022. The project will repair a wall and restore water flow in a moat to safeguard the park’s Fort Jefferson.

Fort Jefferson is the primary structure on the island. The structure covers 16 acres and is a previous U.S. military base. Building of the fortress goes back to 1824.

“The very first stage will eliminate the sand and sediment deposited by storms in the moat and around the finger piers used by visitors and NPS boats,” wrote the park in their post. “After getting rid of particles, consisting of bricks and other risks, the sand will be redistributed in the parade ground and along the coastline and beaches of Garden Key.”

The preliminary work near the campground will last around 45 days. The National forest Service will resume the Garden Secret camping site after that. Nevertheless, visitors must know that the noise from machinery will continue later.

The park’s aiming to have whatever resume in time for Memorial Day Week and grouper season.

Are you aiming to go outdoor camping at Dry Torotguas or any other park? Get going with the right camping tent.

Dry Tortugas National forest states they are preparing to temporarily close the only campground at the park due to repairs.

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