Anacondas are already understood to be huge snakes. These snakes primarily live in the Amazon and can determine up to 20 feet. However, a scientist says they recently found that the green anaconda snake is actually two various types. A recent specimen of the new species measures 26 feet long.
Freek Vonk, a wildlife biologist and TV speaker, states the new types is discovered in northern South America and includes Venezuela, Suriname, and French Guyana. Although the animal looks identical to the green anaconda, its hereditary makeup is 5.5% different.
“To put this in viewpoint: human beings and chimps are genetically various just about 2% from each other,” discusses Vonk in a social networks post.
Vonk shared this clip of him getting really near the new snake while swimming underwater:
In the video, you can see the large snake, which appears strangely docile regardless of Hollywood’s representation of an anaconda.
This anaconda is the largest snake Vonk has ever seen. The body is as thick as a car tire. The animal determines about 26 feet and weighs around 440 pounds.
“I have actually discovered a brand-new species before, but that was a small snake from Australia,” composed Vonk in his post. “Now it has to do with a legendary and legendary animal, one that I can fit four times! Certainly one of the highlights of my scientific career. Also, because this snake can be discovered in the Amazon, a location that feels like home to me.”
Vonk has called the new types of snake the “northern green anaconda.” Vonk states the species’ Latin name is Eunectes akayima. The word “akayima” comes from several native languages of northern South America and suggests “huge snake.”
A current specimen of a new species of anaconda was found determining shockingly 26 feet long. Watch the video.